120' wrap-around mural
Created from hundreds of public domain hi-resolution gallery artworks, montaged together in photoshop at a functional resolution of 100dpi using a final oil painting filter treatment. Radius corners and compound curve arches made this a very challenging endeavor.
The art needed to resemble the existing real-world look of the period-correct Salt Lake City LDS Temple mural.

Flashes / Emblems / Decals
Dozens of different period correct police, swat, patrol, security, etc. patches and emblems. Any period-correct designs required subtle tweaks to be approved by our legal team.

Ext / INT Casino
Lightbox and vinyl window dressing to emulate the lower section of 'Circus Circus' in 1984 Reno (above the marquee is VFX work), along with multiple show posters, wayfinding and background elements.

Stained Glass
Faux stained glass using triple-pass print over clear acrylic and a thin sintra lattice of faux leading on top.

INT / EXT Police Station
Large dimensional signage, engraved lamacoid, decals, vending machines, maps, etc.

1840's Nauvoo, ILLINOIS
Period correct stencils, dimensional signs, fonts, methods, etc. for an exterior backlot location.

State Line Billboard
Digitally distressed to provide age / bullet, rust direction, et. - final art was printed 'clean' and manually distressed.

Contemporary / traditional art
The '80's contemporary artworks combine original art and stock elements with the majority of the work being in composition, colour grading and texturing.
The religious artworks are manipulated / montage public domain or stock images - as the existing LDS artwork cannon is very distinct and completely copyrighted.

A few random images - freakshow concept posters, picture cars, wallpapers